Friday, May 14, 2010

I feel pregnant too...

My wife tells me it's sympathy pains. I heard from my friends that they gained weight along with their wife and how they had cravings but I never thought it would happen to me and to the extent that it did. I didn't gain the weight and like my wife, no cravings but other things that made me jokingly wonder if I was pregnant too.

Reasons why someone might think I'm pregnant:
  • I get stomachaches like my wife gets cramps or contractions. They come and go and it's nothing to worry about. You might think it's because of what I've eaten but it just might be from subconscious stress.
  • Sometimes I'm hungry and can't fill up. I've contemplated it in past few months that if my wife and I were in a food-eating contest who would win. During parts of the pregnancy I'd say her, but there are days where I'd clearly take her down. Yes, I'm a guy so I should be able to eat more but last time I was felt like a bottomless pit, I was swimming every day in high school.
  • The nesting instinct has kicked in. All of a sudden I feel this urgency to get things done. I think my wife pawned this one off on me since she's going about her own business like she always does while all I can think about is how I need to make sure the garage is clean or I need to install the car seat.
  • I think I use the bathroom more than her. She is like a camel and I feel like a little puppy, always needing to go if I have a cup of something.
For those dads out there, or even those moms, did you notice you or your significant other act pregnant too?


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Out of sight

Sorry I've been gone. My wife has had a rough week and it seems as if life just kinda stopped so I can make sure she was comfortable. She's fine but starting to feel the end is near. Posting will start once again. Seven weeks to go and I'm sure there will be a lot more adventures still to come before my daughter arrives.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Free Breakfast at Subway in Southern California

After missing out a few weeks ago on the whole Subway customer appreciation day I was happy to get an email. Finally something us SoCal residents!!! Subway is giving away free breakfast on April 27, 2010. How happy am I about this? VERY! I think I might have to stop by a Subway that morning. Spread the word!!!!

Stolen off the email I just got: Valid at Participating Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, San Bernardino & Riverside County SUBWAY® Locations Only. No cash value. Not for sale. Double or triple meat, extra cheese, bacon and avocado extra. Excludes extra egg omelets. May not be combined with coupon offers or discount cards.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day: 7th Generation Product Giveaway at LMP

Over at Little Miss Planner, she is giving away to one lucky reader ton of amazing goodies!

Go HERE to check out the details of the giveaway and what you can win!!!

There are multiple ways to enter so your chances are good!.  If you do win, let me know so I can congratulate you.

Good Luck!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


You know what's great about getting baby gifts aside from actually getting them? USING THEM!!!

I got to practice using my new baby bjorn on my "mini schnauzer". He loved it! It's so cool to attach him to me and not have to hold him up. I highly recommend this product!

I can't wait to put my daughter into this thing and tote her around with me! Only a couple more months to go....


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The UBP10 After-Party

If it wasn't for my wife showing me this whole world, I would have thought no one blogs but her. Surfing around the world, I stumbled upon the UBP10 and got to "meet" read some really great blogs. The three sites I loved really happy I got a chance to read were: Cake Blast, Thrifty Portland Mom, and Suburban Daddy.

With a broom in hand to sweep up all the confetti, I want to thanks the main sponsors of the party: 5 Minutes for Mom. Can't wait till next year!

Entering the world of cloth diapers...

I have to admit, when my wife wanted to use cloth diapers I thought she lost her mind. Last year it was the garden that I thought was too much work and ended up eating my words for it since it turned out to great. Next was recycling anything we could, that brought down the amount of trash we actually threw out. Now it was cloth diapers.

The more she talked about it, I saw more pros to it than cons. Now entering this world of blogging, I'm quickly learning so much more about it than even what she talked about and how many options are out there. Over on Cakeblast (one of my new favorite sites) I learned about a product called Lollidoo diapers made of recycled bottles. Yes, RECYCLED BOTTLES. Lollidoo partnered up with Cakeblast to do a giveaway to get the word out and give you the opportunity to win one! Go here to read more and enter!

Best of luck to you!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

pregnancy massage

For all you papas to be, expect to give lots of these for your pregnant significant other. Thats right, stretch your hands back and forth loosen up those fingers and shake both palms til they're nice and warmed up. That's exactly what I got to do for my wife during our natural childbirth class this evening. I think I made her day by giving her a 1 hr full body massage.

Something tells me that since I did such a wonderful job that she's going to make this a regular occurance until our precious cargo is delivered.


Friday, April 16, 2010


Well folks I have a confession to make. I have picked up a Sunday morning habit of clipping coupons. I know your probably laughing at the fact that this daddy is fessing up to it. In lieu of the downturn in the economy the last few years my wife and I like most Americans have had to make some alterations to our spending habits. I've always enjoyed my Sunday mornings reading the bulky paper while sipping on my Kona coffee.

Well over the last year or so I've taken notice to the coupon inserts they stuff in the Sunday paper. I began noticing that some of items that I tend to buy on a regular basis have coupon savings. So I said to myself why don't I take advantage of some additional savings!

Now I really look forward to explore whats going to be sale each week and which coupons I can pair with the sale itmes to benefit from additional savings. I truly enjoy being savvy shopper! I have "no shame" in using coupons for my groceries, dining out, and clothing purchases.

I look forward posting coupon ads and savings tips for you all in the near future.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Free Smoothie

We LOVE smoothies! We just started making this green spinach one for the mornings and usually have a fruit one at night. I think this weekend I'm going to treat my wife out for smoothie at Jamba Juice thanks to the a BYGO coupon I found online.

This way she can get her fix on everything orange and I can get what I want. Everyone wins!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday Sunday

Well Sunday was a learning experience. It was our 2nd natural childbirth class. 3 hours of lecture last night. It seemed like it was going to be a long night when we first arrived but the time was well spent. The focus of the class was making the woman more comfortable during pregnancy. We practiced yoga poses and cat stretches. Also, we explored different sleeping positions and modifying body positions to make the woman feel more comfortable while resting.

Oh I almost forgot we participated in the Ronald McDonald 5k walk for kids. Raising monies for a great charity made me feel really good.

Bye for now.


Sunday, April 11, 2010


I came across this "free" subscription to Golf Week magazine. I enjoy playing golf when I have time so I thought I'd post this for you golfers out there.

You can go here and get a 1 year subscription to Golf Week magazine (no strings attached).

photo source

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Welcome to my world!

Hi, I'm Matt! I decided to start this blog so that people could hear a male's perspective about impending fatherhood and married life in general. My wife and I have been married since October 2007. We are a happily married couple expecting our first child, a daughter. We are now officially 72.5% through our pregnancy or 29 weeks. I truly thank God that everything has progressed as smoothly as it has thus far. Every doctors visit I have been on "pins and needles" hoping for nothing but normal to good news.

My wife and I recently started childbirth classes in anticipation of our baby girl. Our first class taught us (mostly me) about the benefits of breastfeeding a new born. It's amazing how many positives there are to breastfeeding a baby. I unfortunately was a formula only baby, but I turned out okay :).

Tomorrow is our second childbirth class and I'm really starting to feel involved in the whole birthing process. As a male it's sometimes difficult to understand what a woman's body is going through during a pregnancy. I find myself asking God to provide me with the patience and discipline to support my wife through it. I know in my heart I have all the right intentions to be a good daddy but caring for a newborn will be challenge for me,but I'm ready for it to happen (gulp!).

Well its off to bed for me. My wife and I are participating in a Ronald McDonald charity walk for kids tomorrow morning.

I look forward to telling you all about it tomorrow.

Bye for now..
